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South Asia Free Trade Agreement Upsc

By 30 oktober, 2021Okategoriserade2 min read

The South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) is an agreement signed by the seven South Asian countries, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Pakistan. The agreement aims to promote economic integration in the region by eliminating barriers to trade and investment.

The SAFTA was signed in January 2004, and it came into effect on July 1, 2006. The agreement provides for the gradual reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers on goods traded between the member countries. The SAFTA also provides for the establishment of a dispute settlement mechanism and the promotion of regional cooperation in areas such as agriculture, tourism, and energy.

The SAFTA is a significant milestone for the South Asian region as it provides an opportunity for the member countries to increase their trade and investment flows and promote economic growth. The agreement has the potential to create jobs, reduce poverty, and improve living standards for the people in the region.

For aspirants preparing for the UPSC exam, understanding the SAFTA is essential from the perspective of international relations and economics. The agreement is an example of regional economic integration, which is a significant trend in the global economy. Regional economic integration involves the removal of trade barriers among countries in a particular region to stimulate trade and investment.

The SAFTA has faced several challenges since its inception, with many member countries failing to fully implement the agreement. For example, India has been accused of not providing adequate market access to other member countries, while Pakistan has imposed non-tariff barriers on Indian goods.

Despite these challenges, the SAFTA remains a crucial initiative for the region, and efforts are being made to improve its implementation. For example, the member countries have agreed to reduce the sensitive list of items (goods that are not subject to tariff reductions) to promote greater trade liberalization.

In conclusion, the SAFTA is a crucial agreement for the South Asian region, providing an opportunity for greater trade and investment flows and economic growth. UPSC aspirants must understand this agreement`s significance from the perspective of international relations and economics and keep track of its developments.
