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Revoke Legal Meaning in Hindi

By 27 mars, 2022Okategoriserade5 min read

Now, a conservative activist wants to revoke his membership and kick him out of power because he softened on Obamacare and more. Since vocare means ”call” in Latin, revoke means ”reminder”. Your driver`s licence could be revoked after about three convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol; some people even have their license revoked for life. You could have your passport revoked if a judge thinks you violated the terms of your bail and suspected that you might be ignoring the country. And if you get out of jail on parole and violate the probation conditions, it will probably be revoked and you will end up in the slammer. Circumstances have arisen which allow the United Kingdom to revoke its Council decisions. Example: The director threatened to revoke our senior privileges if there were pranks. Don`t revoke my passport, but I love his mother recipe. My 😄was a Gujarati.She had no idea what Rajma was! I didn`t do it either until I went to school in Ajmer. The bean came to us with the Frenchman and was planted in northern India by the British. Let`s keep the court open to interpretation! @tejalrao the word is sometimes used humorously to suggest that some hypothetical references should be removed for some kind of violation, as you will revoke your uncle`s card if you forget your niece`s birthday again.

Under the law, revocation generally refers to the withdrawal of an offer or the cancellation of a legally valid contract such as a will. The European Union has called on Russia to revoke and reverse its decision. Revoke the preparatory command or start a new movement that was not started correctly. The first records of the word revocation date from about 1400. It is ultimately derived from the Latin verb revocāre, which means ”to recall” or ”to withdraw” and is a combination of re-, which means ”return” or ”again”, and vocāre, ”call”. Vocāre is also the root of words such as calling, evoking and provoking. A much more specific and less common meaning of the word revocation is used in the context of card games, in which it means breaking the rules by not respecting them when possible or necessary, as in the bridge game. But Obama also tried to phase out this war authorization by calling on Congress to restrict or revoke it. 14. Century, in the sense defined in transitive sense 1 In tower card games, a revocation is a violation of the rules for playing tricks, which is serious enough to invalidate the turn.

A revocation is a violation that ranks slightly below open fraud in its severity and is considered a minor offense if it is unintentional. What hindi revocation means, the meaning of revocation in Hindi, the definition of revocation, explanation, pronunciations and examples of revocation in Hindi. Revocation is a nominal form of the revoked verb, which means to withdraw, withdraw or cancel. Revocation and revocation are generally used in connection with the formal withdrawal or cancellation of a right, status or privilege already granted or approved. For example, passports and laws can be revoked. The mayor refused to revoke the permit and the parade is expected to take place on November 17 as usual. If you have made presentations, we will cancel and revoke them. Tonight, the White House revoked @Acosta`s press card.

CNN`s response to @PressSec and @realDonaldTrump: arguments like this could influence Congress to dismiss the committee in question and the instructions. See the full definition of revoke in the dictionary of English language learners ”He goes to the outpost to revoke this passport,” O`Connor said, slowly tapping the pocket where the paper was. Her father went to the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria and said his child was dangerous and they should revoke his U.S. travel visa. A right or privilege must have been granted or approved in the first place before it can be recalled or revoked. Revocation is often used in a legal context to refer to the removal of certain rights or identifying information, such as a driver`s license. .B.

Revoking a person`s access or status can be made as a penalty for breaking the rules or for other reasons. The same applies if the revocation takes place in less official or less serious contexts. For example, a parent`s revocation of a child`s screen time could be done as a punishment. You can create your own word lists based on topics. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word ”revocation”. The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Well, Mr President, in this letter I do not see either the form or the content of a revocation. Britannica English: Translation of revocation for Arabic speakers Your right to REVOKE, I have exercised my right to extension, revocation is generally used in serious and official contexts. I can`t imagine them revoking your nobility because you killed a whore.

Hindi English Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश Middle English, Anglo-French revocer, revoquer, Latin revocare, re- + vocare to call, voc-, vox voice â more at voice CNN sued the Trump administration for revoking Jim Acosta`s press cards. ”The unlawful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta`s First Amendment rights to freedom of the press,” What words are often used to discuss revocation? We are constantly improving our dictionaries. Nevertheless, it is possible that some words are not available. You can ask other members in the forums or send us an email. We will try to help you. Revocation is the return or cancellation of something. The revocation process or instance is called revocation. B receives the revocation letter five minutes after sending its acceptance. ”Revocation Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

Retrieved January 14, 2022. Middle English, English-French, Latin Revocation, Revocatio, Revocare After the threat of the abolition of special privileges if India bows to US pressure on Iranian oil imports, the Iranian embassy softens the position, saying it ”understands” New Delhi`s challenges, reports @janusmyth . . . For example, revoking your permissions was a consequence of your repeated rule violations. Amnesty International issued a press release calling for the repeal of the law. . See also, on the effects of revocation, Lettres indites de Voltaire, Vol. One of his ancestors, faced with the imminent danger of exile, had courageously spoken out against the repeal of the Edict of Nantes. .
