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Doha Agreement Fai

By 12 februari, 2022Okategoriserade3 min read

Results There was unanimous agreement on the following terminology. The classification system has three main subtitles of groin pain in athletes: The first World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes was held in Doha, Qatar, in November 2014. In the run-up to this conference, 24 experts from different backgrounds were invited to participate in the conference and the agreement meeting and are the authors of this report. The 2016 Warwick Agreement on Femoro acetabular impingement syndrome (FAI) was convened to reach an international and multidisciplinary consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with FAI syndrome. 22 panel members and 1 patient from 9 countries and 5 different specialties attended a 1-day consensus meeting on June 29, 2016. Prior to the meeting, 6 questions were agreed upon and current relevant systematic reviews and groundbreaking literature were distributed. Panelists made presentations on the topics of the agreed issues at Sports Hip 2016, an open meeting held in the UK from 27 to 29 June. The presentations were followed by an open discussion. At the 1-day consensus meeting, the members of the expert group developed explanations in response to each question through an open discussion; Members then rated their agreement with each response on a scale of 0 to 10. For each of the 6 consensus issues, a substantial agreement (range 9.5 to 10) was reached and the associated terminology was agreed. The term ”femoroacetabular impact syndrome” was introduced to reflect the central role of patients` symptoms in the disease. To get a diagnosis, patients must have appropriate symptoms, positive clinical symptoms, and imaging results. Appropriate treatments include conservative care, rehabilitation, and arthroscopic or open surgery.

The current understanding of prognosis and topics for future research were discussed. Methods A one-day unification meeting was held on 4 November 2014. Twenty-four international experts from 14 different countries participated. Systematic reviews were conducted to provide an up-to-date synthesis of current evidence on important issues related to groin pain in athletes. All members participated in a Delphi questionnaire prior to the meeting. The 2016 Warwick Agreement on Femoro-Acetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAI) was convened to establish an international and multidisciplinary consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with FAI syndrome. 22 panel members and 1 patient from 9 countries and 5 different specialties attended a 1-day consensus meeting on June 29, 2016. Prior to the meeting, 6 questions were agreed upon and current relevant systematic reviews and groundbreaking literature were distributed. Panelists made presentations on the topics of the agreed issues at Sports Hip 2016, an open meeting held in the UK from 27 to 29 June.

The presentations were followed by an open discussion. At the 1-day consensus meeting, the members of the expert group developed explanations in response to each question through an open discussion; Members then rated their agreement with each response on a scale of 0 to 10. For each of the 6 consensus issues, a substantial agreement (area 9.5-10) was reached and the corresponding terminology was agreed. The term ”femoroacetabular impact syndrome” was introduced to reflect the central role of patients` symptoms in the disease. To get a diagnosis, patients must have appropriate symptoms, positive clinical symptoms, and imaging results. Appropriate treatments include conservative care, rehabilitation, and arthroscopic or open surgery. The current understanding of prognosis and topics for future research were discussed. The 2016 Warwick Agreement on FAI Syndrome is a multidisciplinary international agreement on the diagnosis, treatment principles and key terminology related to FAI syndrome Objective The ”Meeting of the Doha Agreement on Terminology and Definitions of Groin Pain in Athletes” has been convened to attempt to address this issue. Our goal was to agree on standard terminology with accompanying definitions.

It was agreed that hip joint pain should always be considered a possible cause of groin pain. The content of this statement of agreement reflects the opinions of the members of the group, and all authors have approved the final manuscript prior to its publication. The content must be updated in the future and the group intends to update it again before December 1, 2018. .
